Juicy Guiness Premier Juicy Guiness Premier
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Juicy Guiness Premier Recipe

Juicy Guiness Premier Recipe

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Beer And Ale Recipes. Mixed Drinks
Juicy Guiness Premier Recipe

1 shot Blue Curacao
1 shot Taboo
1 shot Vodka (Absolut)
1/2 pint Guinness stout
Fill With Carling Premier Lager
Mixing Instruction
Mix in the shots of Blue Curacao, Taboo and Vodka. Then add the Guiness to the spirits up to 3cm below the rim of the pint glass. Allow the Guiness to settle before adding the Carling Premier. Allow to settle again before consuming.
Drink Category
Beer And Ale

Glass Type
Juicy Guiness Premier - Mixed Drink Recipes

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Juicy Guiness Premier Recipe
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Juicy Guiness Premier Recipe
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