Apple Karate Apple Karate
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Apple Karate Recipe

Apple Karate Recipe

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Cocktails Recipes. Mixed Drinks
Apple Karate Recipe

2 cups of Apple Juice or Cider
1 Carrot (Large, peeled and chopped)
Mixing Instruction
Place all ingredients in the blender jar - cover and whiz on medium speed until well blended. Pour in one tall, 2 medium or 3 small glasses and drink up.
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Apple Karate - Mixed Drink Recipes

Any use of the content provided here is the sole responsibility of the user. We do not provide any guarantee that use of any information provided here website will not pose any harm to the user. Users must be adults of legal drinking age. Alcohol causes harmful effect on your health.
Apple Karate Mixed Drink Recipe. Free Apple Karate Drink
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Apple Karate Recipe
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Apple Karate Recipe
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