Apple Pie Shooter Apple Pie Shooter
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Apple Pie Shooter Recipe

Apple Pie Shooter Recipe

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Cocktails Recipes. Mixed Drinks
Apple Pie Shooter Recipe

Approx 2 shots Apple juice
1 shot Vodka
1 can Whipped cream
1 dash Cinnamon
Mixing Instruction
This drink requires at least 2 people. Drinker sits in a chair, head back, mouth open. Person 2 pours the apple juice, then the vodka in the drinker's mouth (drinker must be VERY careful to keep his/her throat closed). Then person 2 sprays some in whipped cream and tops with a SMALL amount of cinnamon (too much will make drinker sneeze and possible other not-so-fun things). Drinker sits up, swishes all ingredients together and swallows.
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Apple Pie Shooter - Mixed Drink Recipes

Any use of the content provided here is the sole responsibility of the user. We do not provide any guarantee that use of any information provided here website will not pose any harm to the user. Users must be adults of legal drinking age. Alcohol causes harmful effect on your health.
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Apple Pie Shooter Recipe
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