Beeaauu'S Rum And Coke Beeaauu'S Rum And Coke
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Beeaauu'S Rum And Coke Recipe

Beeaauu'S Rum And Coke Recipe

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Cocktails Recipes. Mixed Drinks
Beeaauu'S Rum And Coke Recipe

2 oz. Mount Gay Barbados Rum
2 oz. Myer's Rum
1 oz. Bacardi 151 Proof Rum
6 oz. Coca Cola
1/2 oz. Rose's Lime Juice
Mixing Instruction
Mix all ingredients in a tall glass with ice. Garnish with a lime wedge.
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Beeaauu'S Rum And Coke - Mixed Drink Recipes

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Beeaauu'S Rum And Coke Mixed Drink Recipe. Free Beeaauu'S Rum And Coke Drink
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Beeaauu'S Rum And Coke Recipe
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