Brent'S Tequila Head Slam Brent'S Tequila Head Slam
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Brent'S Tequila Head Slam Recipe

Brent'S Tequila Head Slam Recipe

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Cocktails Recipes. Mixed Drinks
Brent'S Tequila Head Slam Recipe

1/3 oz Gold tequila (Cuervo)
1/3 oz Grenadine (Rose's)
1/3 oz 7-Up
Mixing Instruction
Build the three ingredients in a shot glass in the order listed. Fold a paper bar napkin and place firmly over the top. Slam the shot glass on the table, bar, etc. Make sure the drink fizzes. Turn the drink up and 'Slam It Into Your Head' before the fizzing subsides or try to be the first to re-slam the empty shot glass to the bar in a 'Group Head Slam'.
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Brent'S Tequila Head Slam - Mixed Drink Recipes

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Brent'S Tequila Head Slam Recipe
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