Buddha'S Banshee Buddha'S Banshee
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Buddha'S Banshee Recipe

Buddha'S Banshee Recipe

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Cocktails Recipes. Mixed Drinks
Buddha'S Banshee Recipe

1/4 oz. Creme de Cacao
1/2 oz. Creme de Banana
1/2 oz. Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum
3 oz. Half 'n Half
Mixing Instruction
Pour the spiced rum, creme de cacao, creme de bananes and half-and-half into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a dusting of nutmeg, and serve.
Drink Category

Glass Type
Cocktail (Martini)
Buddha'S Banshee - Mixed Drink Recipes

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Buddha'S Banshee Recipe
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Buddha'S Banshee Recipe
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