Coconut Brandy Bowl Coconut Brandy Bowl
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Coconut Brandy Bowl Recipe

Coconut Brandy Bowl Recipe

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Cocktails Recipes. Mixed Drinks
Coconut Brandy Bowl Recipe

3 oz Brandy
1 1/2 oz Banana Liqueur
2 large Coconut
3 - 4 oz Crushed Ice
Mixing Instruction
Slice off the eyes of the coconuts; drain and save the milk. Gouge out the meat of the coconuts; saving as much milk from that as possible. Combine the brandy, banana liqiueur, and all the coconut milk in a blender with 3-4 oz. of crushed ice. Blend at a high speed for 15 seconds. Serve th drink in the two coconut shells.
Drink Category

Glass Type
Margarita (Coupette)
Coconut Brandy Bowl - Mixed Drink Recipes

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Coconut Brandy Bowl Recipe
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Coconut Brandy Bowl Recipe
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