The Cum Shot The Cum Shot
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The Cum Shot Recipe

The Cum Shot Recipe

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Cocktails Recipes. Mixed Drinks
The Cum Shot Recipe

15 ml. Peach Schnapps
15 ml. Stolichnaya Cristall Vodka
1 Kumquat
Mixing Instruction
Simply pour the Vodka and Schnapps into the shot glass. How you mix it is of no consequence, it's how you drink it that is important. First, take the stem off of the kumquat (unless you're really into foilage!). If you prefer, cut the kumquat in half (it really depends on the size of kumquats around the world, I suppose). Now plonk the fruit into your mouth and start chewin'- Don't swallow! When you figure the time is right (you'll know - When all the fruit juices have exploded in your mouth), throw back the shot chaser that you mixed in the beginning.
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The Cum Shot - Mixed Drink Recipes

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The Cum Shot Recipe
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