Angelica Liqueur Angelica Liqueur
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Angelica Liqueur Recipe

Angelica Liqueur Recipe

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Liqueurs And Extracts Recipes. Mixed Drinks
Angelica Liqueur Recipe

3 tblsp dried and chopped Angelica root
1 tblsp chopped Almond
1 cracked Allspice berry
1 one-inch Cinnamon stick, broken
3-6 crushed Anise seeds (or fennel seeds)
1/8 tsp powdered Coriander seed
1 tblsp fresh chopped Marjoram leaves
1.5 cup Vodka
1/2 cup granulated Sugar
1/4 cup Water
1 drop yellow Food coloring
1 drop green Food coloring
Mixing Instruction
Combine all herbs, nuts and spices with vodka in a 1 quart or larger aging container. Cap tightly and shake daily for 2 weeks. Strain through a fine muslin cloth or coffee filter, discarding solids. Clean out aging container. Place liquid back in container. Place sugar and water in saucepan and stir to combine over medium heat. When sugar is completely dissolved, set aside and let cool. When cool combine with food coloring and add to liqueur liquid. Cap and allow to age and mellow in a cool, dark place for one month.
Drink Category
Liqueurs And Extracts

Glass Type

Angelica Liqueur - Mixed Drink Recipes

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Angelica Liqueur Mixed Drink Recipe. Free Angelica Liqueur Drink
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Angelica Liqueur Recipe
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