Crip Juice (As In Crips And Bloods) Crip Juice (As In Crips And Bloods)
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Crip Juice (As In Crips And Bloods) Recipe

Crip Juice (As In Crips And Bloods) Recipe

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Punches Recipes. Mixed Drinks
Crip Juice (As In Crips And Bloods) Recipe

40 oz. Beer (Preferably very cold Old English 800)
1 quart of Sunny Delight Orange Juice
Mixing Instruction
Pour out the beer until the remaining brew meets the top of the label and slowly fill back up with Sunny D. I know this sounds gross but trust me, its great on a hot summer day.
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Crip Juice (As In Crips And Bloods) - Mixed Drink Recipes

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