Storyteller Storyteller
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Storyteller Recipe

Storyteller Recipe

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Punches Recipes. Mixed Drinks
Storyteller Recipe

1 bottle of Peach Schnapps
1 bottle of Vodka
1 bottle of Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum
1 bottle of Wildberry Schnapps
8 cups of Ginger Ale
8 cups of Sprite
2 Bananas
2 Peaches
2 Apples
2 Oranges
2 Kiwis
Mixing Instruction
Cut the fruit in little pieces (you can also add cherries) and place in a new plastic garbage can. Add the alcohol and let sit for 6 hours. Just before serving add the Sprite and ginger ale. Serve chilled in punch cups.
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Storyteller - Mixed Drink Recipes

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Storyteller Recipe
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Storyteller Recipe
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